Welcome to the 162nd Burford Fall Fair!
Have Fun at The Fair!

Midway Rides & Games


Live Entertainment

Horse Show
2024 Schedule
Contest Entries
2. Label your entries
Download standard entry tags3. Drop your items off
Drop-off times
October 9 & 10, 3:00 pm to 7:00pm and October 11, 9:00am to 7:00pm at the Agricultural Hall. (NOTE: Entries must remain until 4:00pm on Monday). Please check the entry book for the drop off times for fresh baking.
Admission Rates
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Your Questions, Answered.
What is a Fall Fair?
A Fall Fair means many different things to different people but essentially it’s the celebration of agriculture within our community. Which is celebrated through the community putting in exhibits of crops, homecraft, baking, preserves, biggest pumpkins, horse shows, farm animals etc.
What’s the future of Burford Fall Fair?
It depends on Burford and the surrounding area. If families and friends want a fair they’ll continue to come exhibit and enjoy what we have to offer at the Fair. It truly does take a community willing to invest in itself and wanting to keep things going to keep the longevity of the Fall Fair running.
Why is the fair Thanksgiving weekend?
164 years ago, until 25 yrs ago Brant/Burford was predominantly a Tobacco farming community with a few other crops. Typically all the crops were harvested by thanksgiving and it was an opportunity to celebrate the harvest and relax. The same holds true today, the ginseng, soy beans, grains, Tobacco are all predominately off the fields by thanksgiving with the exception of field corn. The Burford Fall Fair has been happening longer than Canada has been a country, and is one of the longest running fall fairs in Ontario, quite a tradition.
How does Burford Fall Fair compete with Norfolk or Rockton?
Simply put, we don’t. When something becomes too big it loses certain traits and qualities. At the Burford Agricultural Society we value the qualities of being a small country fair celebrating rural life in South Western Ontario. To still be a place where a family can come have a day of fun for less than the average cost of a meal out.
Why does the Burford Fair cost so much?
The Burford Agricultural Society aims to create an all-inclusive experience for you at the fair, such that once you’re in the gate that’s the only price you have to pay to enjoy the fair, except for the midway. Some fairs charge you extra for things like premium seating, for shows, or to enter the beer tent. In Burford we want you to pay one cost to enjoy the fair.
Everything you enjoy at the Burford Fair, Petting Zoo, Pony rides, Princesses, Shows, Kids area, Lawn Mower races, ATV challenges, RC Crawling course, these all cost the Burford Agricultural Society money to bring in, the only volunteers at the Fall Fair are the Agricultural Society. We try very hard to keep prices low so families can enjoy, however like everything post covid are costs continually creep up every year and every year we evaluate our price compared to other fairs around Burford/Brant.
Why can’t Burford have rides like Norfolk or Paris?
Burford Fair contracts out the midway to midway providers. A few years ago our provider Homeniuk Amusements retired from the business. The reality is there are more fairs running concurrently than there are midway providers. Amusement providers have a short season and position their biggest revenue generating rides where they can get the most amount of money.
To have rides like Norfolk or Paris Burford Fair would spend its entire budget on just rides, and would mean we’d have to charge more in admission, in an effort to be an event most of the family can enjoy and keep our prices lower. We don’t get as much say on the rides.
Can I have a say?
Absolutely, we always have a suggestion box, at the fair, you can contact us through facebook or through info@burfordfair.com. We conducted a public survey after the fair last year, and watched the website and facebook for it happening again this year. If you’re very ambitious and want to get involved we’re always looking for more volunteers and people who are interested in leading an event.